I am medicine woman, mother, wife, friend, self.
I support and share love.
i shine light on others capacity to heal.
Through nature, energy, spirit, plants, oils and sacred living.
Sacred living, connecting to and honouring life, death and mother earth.
As I support others healing mother nature rejoices.
She gives us thanks.
As we vibrationally move to love the planet can heal and move to love.
As I support others to take self responsibility we allow mother nature to support those who cant.
I am an encourager of love of living a life that feels precious and purposeful, because it truly is a gift.
Today I step into my medicine woman self.
My medicine a gift to the world channeled and shared through me.
My role to support others in finding peace within and peace outwith.
Medicine, the field of health and healing.
Let's rise, Heal, Find health and deep connection.
FOR WE ARE ALL ONE ............................